
(Thunnus Alalunga)

Albacore Tuna

As a wholesale supplier, we ship fresh or frozen Albacore Tuna worldwide. Request a quote for Albacore Tuna today!

Other names
Longfin, Albie, Pigfish, Pacific Albacore, German

May - September

Depth of catch
2000 to 5000 fathoms.

Long pectoral fins, which reach to behind the anus and by their dark blue backs and blue-grey flanks and belly. Due to its white colored meat albacore is also called " the chicken of the sea". As canned product it is quite popular in the States, where it is marketed as "White Tuna". The meat has a somewhat dry texture, and the taste comes close to the taste of chicken meat.

Range of shelf life
Three to 7 days, depending on the quality of handling the fish has received.

How to store
Albacore Tuna should be buried in ice with the belly cavity full of ice, since this is where deterioration happens most quickly. Adding ice to the belly slows this enzymatic process.